
What are the advantages of a friendly merger?

What are the advantages of a friendly merger?

As we covered in a previous blog, many acquisitions are presented as mergers, when in actual fact, most of these deals involve a transaction between a buyer and a seller that have agreed terms. A true merger between two similar or complimentary companies is much rarer.         This is perhaps surprising for an industry like language…

The power of two: merging with an equal to become stronger

The power of two: merging with an equal to become stronger

In our previous blogs we explored the various exit options that are available to companies who are thinking of selling. These options include selling to a larger LSP, or to a large brand that is not a LSP but could benefit from the added value that an LSP can offer, such as a large e-commerce…

Why leading brands acquire LSPs to accelerate international growth

Why leading brands acquire LSPs to accelerate international growth

In our two previous blogs we have focused on the concept of Seller Incubation, showing how, together with our partners, Lion People Global can provide customised professional services to accelerate growth within LSPs and help companies get ready for exit. Having helped companies achieve their growth ambitions, one of the questions we will naturally get…

Optimize Website Translation Process

How to Optimize the Website Translation Process

Website translation involves many moving parts. It needs to be consistent with the source material whilst appealing to a separate target audience and taking into account SEO. So how can you improve this process? Let’s take a look. Different types of web content to be translated There are many different kinds of website. Some focus on posting…

Why we came up with the concept of Seller Incubation

Why we came up with the concept of Seller Incubation

You wouldn’t run a marathon without training (as Lion People Global CEO Annette Lawlor can attest to), yet many business owners often fail to take the necessary steps when preparing for an exit. And selling your company is most certainly a marathon, typically taking anywhere from 18-to-30 months to close a deal. This is why…

The importance of Seller Incubation

The importance of Seller Incubation

At Lion People Global, we often talk about the importance of “Seller Incubation” when helping companies get ready for sale. In general business terms, “incubation” refers to some kind of customised support that you receive in order to develop your business and to accelerate the growth and maximise your potential. “Seller incubation” thus refers to…

Reinventing companies to support local experiences

Reinventing companies to support local experiences

When companies launch products into international markets, the process of globalization and localization is usually undertaken at the marketing or operational level. However, by managing the globalization-localization process within these areas of the organisation, companies are saying this is a post-development process and not a pre-development process. For example, when it is managed at the…

How can  companies get to that ready-to-sell stage

How can companies get to that ready-to-sell stage

Language services is a highly fragmented market, with the top 100 companies accounting for only 15% of total market share. In such a competitive environment, the art of survival is to understand the pace of change and the tipping point. Typically, this creates a highly dynamic environment with different waves of consolidation, which have happened…

For best results with Machine Translation, focus on the source

For best results with Machine Translation, focus on the source

In one of our previous blog posts, we spoke with Machine Translation expert Laura Casanellas who has worked for numerous MT providers. In her experience, many end-client departments find it overwhelming to navigate all the tools that are out there, while the vendors themselves obviously prefer to use their own tools. With that in mind,…

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