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Lion People Global Blog

Exploring the Growth of Healthcare Interpreting in the American Market

Exploring the Growth of Healthcare Interpreting in the American Market

Exploring the Growth of Healthcare Interpreting in the American Market The American healthcare system is becoming increasingly diverse, with patients from various cultural and linguistic backgrounds seeking quality care. This has fuelled the need for healthcare interpreting services, which play a vital role in ensuring effective communication between healthcare providers and patients with limited English…

Interpretation Technology on the Rise

Interpretation Technology on the Rise

Interpretation Technology: Meeting the Growing Demand in a Fast-Paced World In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, the demand for interpretation solutions is rapidly growing. As the world becomes more interconnected, businesses and individuals alike seek to bridge the gap across languages and cultures, driving the need for accurate and efficient interpretation services. In this article, we…

The Power of Mindset: Embracing Change in Language Services

The Power of Mindset: Embracing Change in Language Services

In the latest episode of Lion People Global’s “End Game: Growth Solutions Masterclass,” Olga Blasco, Principal Partner M&A at Lion People Global, delves into the importance of mindset for owners and directors of language service companies. Olga highlights the significance of maintaining a growth mindset and focusing on what is within our control to ensure…

The Power of Choice: Unlocking Potential in Your LSP

The Power of Choice: Unlocking Potential in Your LSP

In a recent episode of Lion People Global’s “End Game: Growth Solutions Masterclass”, Larry Gould, CEO of the Big Word, offered valuable insights into the importance of choices in business and personal life. A seasoned entrepreneur, Larry shared his thoughts on how making the right choices can transform language service companies and help individuals overcome…

Embracing Failure: The Unexpected Path to Success for LSPs

Embracing Failure: The Unexpected Path to Success for LSPs

In a candid interview on Lion People Global’s “End Game: Growth Solutions Masterclass,” Larry Gould, CEO of thebigword, opened up about his difficult past and how embracing failure helped him build a successful career. Larry’s journey, peppered with setbacks and hardships, offers valuable insights to owners and directors of language service companies. It’s a testament…

Become Irresistible: Transforming Your LSP

Become Irresistible: Transforming Your LSP

In a recent episode of Lion People Global’s “End Game: Growth Solutions Masterclass,” Larry Gould, Founder of thebigword, discussed the importance of sales in language service companies. He emphasised the significance of creating an “irresistible” company, which ultimately leads to more business and success. “Irresistible means too tempting and too attractive to resist,” Larry explained….

The Growing Importance of Linguists in AI

The Growing Importance of Linguists in AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an ever-growing industry with vast potential for future applications in various fields. As major technology companies continue to invest in research and development, the demand for AI and the need for language expertise to ensure its success will only increase. Recently, Jane Nemcova, COO at Veuu Inc., spoke as part of…

The Promise and Peril of Generative AI in the Localization Industry

The Promise and Peril of Generative AI in the Localization Industry

The field of language services has undergone significant changes over the years, with the emergence of new technologies and market players. As the COO of Veuu Inc., Jane Nemcova has been keeping a close eye on these changes, and during the latest episode of “End Game: Growth Solutions Masterclass”, she discussed the maturation of the…

Unlocking Opportunities: How Localization Companies Can Leverage AI Data Services

Unlocking Opportunities: How Localization Companies Can Leverage AI Data Services

In recent years, the localization industry has seen a shift towards AI data services. Jane Nemcova, CEO of Veuu, has had first-hand experience in working with companies developing their AI strategies and has identified the potential of taking some aspects of localization and translation companies and creating a new business in the AI data industry….

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