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Data-for-AI: A Golden Opportunity for LSPs?

Data-for-AI: A Golden Opportunity for LSPs?

The data boom has presented Language Service Providers (LSPs) with a significant opportunity to grow their business by offering data for AI services. With their expertise in language and large, geographically-distributed supply chains, LSPs are well-positioned to provide large volumes of data to companies building AI solutions. However, according to Olga Blasco from Lion People…

The Data Boom: How LSPs can capitalise on growing demand for data in AI

The Data Boom: How LSPs can capitalise on growing demand for data in AI

The field of artificial intelligence is booming, and with it, the demand for data has soared. Companies building AI solutions need vast amounts of data to train their machine learning models, which requires proper collection, annotation, and freedom from human bias. This has created a significant opportunity for Language Service Providers (LSPs) to offer data…

Which Languages are Most In Demand for Translation.png

Which Languages are Most In Demand for Translation?

The translation industry is unique. It comes into contact with almost every industry and market on earth. This means it’s influenced by the global economy, national economies and economic trends in different industries. These components interact with one another and individual decisions by companies. The end result means demand for any given translation service can vary at any given moment….

End Game: Growth Solutions Masterclass

End Game: Growth Solutions Masterclass

Are you looking to take your business to the next level? Look no further than “End Game: Growth Solutions Masterclass,” the latest video series from Lion People Global.  Building on the success of last year’s “M&A Masterclass” series, this new series delves deep into the key ingredients that make successful businesses thrive.  With expert guests…

Raise money, survive and thrive: Experts tips for Private Equity investment

Raise money, survive and thrive: Experts tips for Private Equity investment

On episode 13 of our M&A Masterclass series, we were joined by Paula Shannon, Chief Evangelist for the global experience platform Lilt. Paula brings 30 years of experience of public company global sales and marketing leadership with domain experience and expertise across the language industry, which includes deep experience in translation, localization, internationalization, and the…

Translation and SEO - A Simple Guide

Translation and SEO: A Simple Guide

If you have a multilingual website you need to think about multilingual SEO. This means you need to consider several areas, including:  It can seem overwhelming… But whether you are a translation agency or simply someone considering translating your website, our guide should provide some useful knowledge. What is SEO? SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the…

How a high valuation can be a burden to future growth

How a high valuation can be a burden to future growth

At Lion People Global, we are often asked about the thorny subject of valuations and have even dedicated an entire Masterclass episode to the subject. We are constantly asked how investors value companies and what makes that up. While this fascination with valuations is understandable, what is possibly less understood is that a high valuation…

What Does the Future of Localization Look Like?

What Does the Future of Localization Look Like?

According to the World Trade Organisation (WTO), world trade grew 43-fold between 1950 and 2021. Unsurprisingly, the translation industry has grown a lot, too. Back in 2009, for example, it was estimated to be worth USD $14.25 billion. It’s estimated to grow to USD $48.2 billion by 2028. Localization is a big part of this picture. This article will…

Is equity investment right for me?

Is equity investment right for me?

At Lion People Global we talk to many investor-backed technology companies which are at different stages of funding who have been successful in raising capital and generating enthusiasm for their products and services. If you believe you are onto something special, with the potential to be huge and transformational, then going down the investor route…

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