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Case study: How to make a deal against all odds

Case study: How to make a deal against all odds

In episode 12 of our M&A Masterclass series we were joined by Mikhail Pimenov, founder of Pep Group and Lindsay Hong, COO of Locaria to discuss their merger. Locaria, part of Stagwell Inc, is a global multilingual content agency that specialises in supporting in-house marketing and ecommerce teams, media agencies and creative production houses. PEP…

Serious about selling? Sign a sell-side agreement

Serious about selling? Sign a sell-side agreement

If you have been following our M&A Masterclass series, you will have heard the term “seller incubation” occur across multiple episodes. Seller incubation is a service offered by Lion People Global which provides support to company owners who are looking to sell. Types of support include professional services, which can be in the form of…

Will Machine Translation Replace Human Translators?

Will Machine Translation Replace Human Translators? – LPG

In his short story ‘The Great Automatic Grammatizator‘ (1953), Roald Dahl imagined a computer that can write stories better than humans can. The computer ends up writing “over half of all the novels and stories published in the English language.” The remaining human writers struggle to make a living… It’s estimated that the machine translation market…

How to approach M&A during an economic slowdown?

How to approach M&A during an economic slowdown?

With so much uncertainty on the economic horizon, many businesses in the language services industry may be reassessing their M&A activity in 2023 and beyond. Uncertainty has a heavy weight on decision-making, and buying or selling obviously is a big decision. That means buyers and sellers are now taking the time to really zoom into…

Translation Quality Assurance A Guide

Translation Quality Assurance: A Guide – Lion People Global

Translation quality assurance is not easy to summarise.  In fact, just explaining translation quality itself can feel a lot like opening Russian dolls. However, once the latter concept is understood, it follows that the former will make more sense. In the first half of this article, we will look at this. In the second half, we will look…

Understanding growth: what do the numbers really mean?

Understanding growth: what do the numbers really mean?

For many companies, growing their business beyond 5mn or 10mn in revenue is really difficult and lots of companies fail to break these numbers and scale successfully. But is it really all about the numbers and what does good growth really mean? When it comes to M&A, there is no escaping the fact that one…

Acquisition is a tool for growth not a strategy itself

Acquisition is a tool for growth not a strategy itself

Many entrepreneurs and management leaders have growth on their minds almost every day. They ask themselves, what markets should I enter? What services do I need to offer to differentiate my company? Should I embrace specialisation? What services do my best customers need tomorrow? How can I attract new customers? All of those questions are…

Is The Translation Business Profitable

Is The Translation Business Profitable? – Lion People Global

Not all industries are equally profitable. And not all areas of all industries are equally profitable either. The translation industry is no exception.  Uniquely, the translation industry touches on almost every other industry. It also covers hundreds of language combinations, several different services, and a couple of different business models. So, the short answer to…

Marketing Strategy for Translation Companies

Marketing Strategy for Translation Companies – Lion People Global

The ancient Chinese general and philosopher Sun Tzu wrote: “Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” Marketing is essential for translation companies that want to grow. But without a clear strategy, it is difficult to know where to direct your resources. Let’s take a closer…

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