
Investing in AI - The Future of Technology and Profit

Investing in AI – The Future of Technology and Profit

Investing in AI: The Future of Technology and Profit Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not just a buzzword; it’s a technological revolution that is transforming industries and creating unprecedented opportunities for growth and innovation. For investors, AI companies and start-ups represent a new frontier teeming with potential for significant financial returns. But why should investors specifically…

The Localization Revolution: Why Smart Investors Are Getting Involved

The Localization Revolution: Why Smart Investors Are Getting Involved

Smart investors are increasingly drawn to the localization industry due to its promising growth prospects fuelled by globalization and digitization. This sector facilitates the adaptation of content, software, and services to specific languages, cultures, and regions. As businesses expand globally, demand for localization services surges, presenting lucrative investment opportunities. Additionally, technological advancements like AI, machine…

Which Languages are Most In Demand for Translation.png

Which Languages are Most In Demand for Translation?

The translation industry is unique. It comes into contact with almost every industry and market on earth. This means it’s influenced by the global economy, national economies and economic trends in different industries. These components interact with one another and individual decisions by companies. The end result means demand for any given translation service can vary at any given moment….

Translation and SEO - A Simple Guide

Translation and SEO: A Simple Guide

If you have a multilingual website you need to think about multilingual SEO. This means you need to consider several areas, including:  It can seem overwhelming… But whether you are a translation agency or simply someone considering translating your website, our guide should provide some useful knowledge. What is SEO? SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the…

The Future of Translation

Future of Translation

Our ideas of what the future of translation will be like are changing fast. AI-based machine translation, real-time interpretation tools, hybrid working… There’s a dizzying number of trends and technologies to think about. It’s obviously very difficult to predict the future for most industries, but there are future possibilities worth considering. In this blog post,…

History of Translation

History of Translation (and Interpretation)

It’s often said that translation is like a bridge. And like real bridges, it has developed a lot throughout history whilst still serving the same essential function. From discussions between tribal peoples to UN summits, translation and interpretation (spoken translation) have been bridging human societies since the dawn of time. By better understanding the history…

How to Become a Translation Project Manager

How to Become a Translation Project Manager

The internet is full of misattributed quotes. Here are two examples: The quotes may not be real, but the sentiment behind each one is. Translation project managers can confirm this… Without great organizational and interpersonal skills, they would be a lot less effective at their jobs. And without their job, the translation industry would be a lot less efficient. Let’s explore this crucial industry…

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