
Global localisation industry

Consecutive vs Simultaneous Interpreting: A Guide

Consecutive vs Simultaneous Interpreting: A Guide

Interpretation has been around longer than translation. Long before writing was invented, conversations were translated orally (i.e., interpretation) by third parties that knew both languages. Since 1945, it has split into two main kinds: consecutive and simultaneous interpretation. (See why this year is significant below…) Though there is a crossover between each type of interpretation, there are some big differences, too….

Will Machine Translation Replace Human Translators?

Will Machine Translation Replace Human Translators? – LPG

In his short story ‘The Great Automatic Grammatizator‘ (1953), Roald Dahl imagined a computer that can write stories better than humans can. The computer ends up writing “over half of all the novels and stories published in the English language.” The remaining human writers struggle to make a living… It’s estimated that the machine translation market…

Translation Quality Assurance A Guide

Translation Quality Assurance: A Guide – Lion People Global

Translation quality assurance is not easy to summarise.  In fact, just explaining translation quality itself can feel a lot like opening Russian dolls. However, once the latter concept is understood, it follows that the former will make more sense. In the first half of this article, we will look at this. In the second half, we will look…

Is The Translation Business Profitable

Is The Translation Business Profitable? – Lion People Global

Not all industries are equally profitable. And not all areas of all industries are equally profitable either. The translation industry is no exception.  Uniquely, the translation industry touches on almost every other industry. It also covers hundreds of language combinations, several different services, and a couple of different business models. So, the short answer to…

Marketing Strategy for Translation Companies

Marketing Strategy for Translation Companies – Lion People Global

The ancient Chinese general and philosopher Sun Tzu wrote: “Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” Marketing is essential for translation companies that want to grow. But without a clear strategy, it is difficult to know where to direct your resources. Let’s take a closer…

Is Translation a Dying Profession

Is Translation a Dying Profession? – Lion People Global

The Industrial Revolution (1760 – 1840) and the Second Industrial Revolution (1870 – 1914) transformed how people lived and worked. We are now living through the Third Industrial Revolution (or Digital Revolution). It’s ongoing and – many believe – accelerating… With each of these revolutions, whole professions and industries have been wiped out or totally transformed. It’s estimated that the Spinning…

Optimize Website Translation Process

How to Optimize the Website Translation Process

Website translation involves many moving parts. It needs to be consistent with the source material whilst appealing to a separate target audience and taking into account SEO. So how can you improve this process? Let’s take a look. Different types of web content to be translated There are many different kinds of website. Some focus on posting…

Why is strategic selling important for Language Service Providers?

Why is strategic selling important for Language Service Providers?

From a recruitment standpoint, one of the biggest challenges facing LSPs is with sales, such as breaking into new markets and finding the talent that has the ability to do that. According to Jim Watson, former Senior VP of Global Sales and Marketing at MultiLing, LSPs should focus on the “solution-sell”, rather than simply relying…

M&A cockpit
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Who do you need in your M&A cockpit?

When the time comes to sell your LSP or language tech business, what attributes should you look for in your co-pilots to land the deal? Piloting a language services provider (LSP) or language technology business through the ups and downs of business each day is a different skillset than what’s needed to navigate the often-complex…

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